Monday, May 20, 2024

Six Steps To Integrity In Dating

Erotic Integrity® may not be the first thing on your mind as you approach your first, second or third date with someone, but getting laid might be. To set yourself up for success in your sexual, as well as romantic, life, consider the following SIX points:

  1. Be clear about the kind of relationship you’re looking for. If you’re looking for a bootie call or a fuckbuddy, that’s absolutely fine. But don’t pretend to be looking for a spouse. Your date may be happy to jump your bones with no commitment. Just don’t misrepresent your intentions. If you are not monogamous, don’t pretend to be. Let the other person make an informed choice about who you are and the type of relationship you’re available for. It’ll avoid both of you the heartache of infidelity later. And if you’re looking for a long term relationship, the love of your life whom you want to skip off into the sunset with, say so. Don’t downplay the kind of relationship you want because you don’t think you can have it. You can! I’m a firm believer that you can design a relationship that may not fit societal norms, but that fits for you. Many older people want a companion who has their own separate home down the street or in the next town.
  2. Know what you want sexually…other than some sex, which may be more than you’ve been getting if you’ve been single for a while. I mean more specifically, know what your turn-ons are. If you’re into women of Rubenesque proportions, leave the skinny chicks for someone else. If you’re into BDSM, don’t pick a vanilla lover. If you’re bisexual, figure out how you’re going to have that fit into your relationship. Do you date a straight person, a gay person, a bi person, a non-monogamous person? If you have a fetish for high heels on your lover’s feet, put that in your online ad, so that the Birkenstock wearers know you’re not a fit for them. Part of Erotic Integrity is knowing yourself.
  3. Reveal yourself, gently, to your potential partner. Drop hints about your proclivities and preferences. Mention places where you hang out (nude beaches), or that you find objectionable (swing clubs). Does your date respond with a sexy knowing smile, enthusiasm, lustful glee, distaste, incomprehension, fear…? If you’re into bondage and you didn’t meet your date at the Folsom street Fair in San Francisco, ask how it might be if you tied her up with sewing thread. Another aspect of Erotic Integrity is owning who you are as an erotic being, showing up authentically, and being accountable for your proclivities, not in a defensive way but in an embracing way.
  4. Talk openly, or as openly as you can. If you and your date are getting along well and moving into increasing sexual contact, you have to be respectful of their health, and yours. If you have trepidation about revealing a health condition such as a herpes diagnosis or other STD, a wooden leg, an innocuous skin rash or some such difficult topic, as my French grandmother used to say: “Just spit it out, at least we’ll see what it is” (“Crache, on verra c’que c’est”.) If your delivery isn’t perfect you can clean it up later. Just get it out. I also recommend having a conversation about what you’d both want to do in the case of an unwanted pregnancy, in addition to the birth control talk. People wait until the situation presents itself, but I think it’s good to know ahead of time what your respective positions are on that. Just in case. It’s good information to have.
  5. Tell your lover how to pleasure you. People don’t read minds, much as we persist in wishing they did. Set both of you up for success.
  6. Live your eroticism. Who are you saving it for? Don’t play it safe. Don’t wait for someone else to validate it. Show up in all your glory and rock your lover’s world as well as your own. There’s a spontaneous feedback loop in sex: when one person is really turned on, the other can ride (so to speak) that energy and it increases their arousal too. The most fun part of Erotic Integrity is living it authentically. To learn more about Erotic Integrity ®, go to have your say about Erotic Integrity ®, go to

What Does She Really Think Of Your Penis?

Men certainly obsess over their penises more than woman do their breasts. Is it big enough? Is it long enough? Are my balls weird looking? Let me let you into a little secret: We don’t really care what your penis looks like. We care about what you do with it (and your oral and hand skills too) and how you treat us.

Still, there are some common issues that we have with your junk. But the good news is, resourceful women find a way around them. Here’s what we found…

Extreme Sizes

Though it’s the first thing we notice about your penis, size doesn’t really matter to most women. In fact, researchers at UCLA reported that 84% of women feel “very satisfied” with their partner’s penis size. But, many women don’t like a penis that is too big or too small.

“His penis was about 10-inches long and very girthy. My first thought was not, ‘Wow. I’m a lucky lady.” It was, ‘Shit! How am I going to get this thing in my mouth and will it hurt my vagina?!’ Big is not always better. But, with a lot of foreplay to warm me up and lube, we worked it out,” says Lyndsey, 32.

On the flip side, Tina, 38, had a hard time adjusting to a below-average penis. (Studies show that the average penis size is 5.1-5.8 inches erect.) “It was so short and thin that I would’ve broken up with him over it if he hadn’t been good at oral and sex toys… and he was a great guy, so we made it work,” she says.

Crazy Curves

While Sean, 34, feels “blessed” to have had a “decent selection” of cock over the years, one penis threw him for a loop – literally. “It was so crooked it looked like a candy cane. I didn’t know what to do with it – lick it like a candy cane? We still had fun though, it just made me stop and go, ‘Whoa.'”

Like Sean, Lisa, 29, was also dumbfounded when she came eye to eye with her first curved penis. “It was weird. I didn’t know what to do with it! It curved way down. It didn’t turn me off, but I wish he said something or warned me. I did some research and apparently a curvature like that is good for doggy style, so I’ll be ready when I see him next.”

That said, if your curvature prohibits you from having sex, it could be Peyronie’s disease and a trip to your urologist is a must.

Uncircumcised Surprises

With a whopping 80% of men in the U.S. circumcised, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it’s no wonder that many women are stunned when they come head to head with a whole lotta foreskin for the first time.

“I’m embarrassed to admit that I’m a little weirded-out by uncircumcised penises,” says Janet, 45. “The problem is that I wasn’t sure what to do with it. Do I pull it down before I put it in my mouth? It needs to come with an instruction manual or guys need to realize it’s sometimes confusing to women and maybe they can show or tell us what to do.”

The other problem, women report, is the fear of what’s lurking under all that foreskin, such as fuzz and lint or that white sticky substance known as smegma. If she’s grossed out, tell her that smegma is “completely sterile,” says Dr. Brian Steixner, MD, the director of the Institute for Men’s Health at Jersey Urology Group.

“It’s just a naturally produced substance a combination of shed skin cells, oil from skin, and some moisture. But, guys do need to wipe it down with a warm washcloth before sex and clean it in the shower regularly,” adds Dr. Steixner.

Bald Balls

The debate over pubic hair rages on. But one thing is certain: No one likes a full bush. But, to be bald or not to be bald? That is the still the lingering question. Most women we spoke to do not find a totally hairless sack attractive… and here’s why.

“I don’t like it. I get distracted. And then I think, ‘If he’s obsessed with his hair there is he judging mine right now?’ If we started dating, would he be OCD with the dishes and other things?” says Candace, 31.

When in doubt, err on the side of caution and give your junk a nice 5 o’clock shadow instead – neatly trimmed was the consensus in Is Pubic Hair Making a Comeback?

Stink D*#k

Just like you don’t enjoy going down on a foul-smelling vagina, we don’t like having a rank rod in our face. “My mouth is not going anywhere near anything that smells gamey,” says Janet, or, really, says every woman.

It’s simple guys: Wash up before you get down. Yes, this might mean you need to take a time-out in the throws of passion to duck into the bathroom to clean your cock. But, trust me, she’ll appreciate it. “The quickest way to wash your penis is with soap and water, but remember to rinse well so that your dick doesn’t taste like soap,” says Dr. Steixner.


10 Timeless Dating Tips

Maybe you haven’t dated in a while, or a long while, and you feel left out of online dating trends and social media navigation. Or maybe you’re a savvy dater with profiles all over the Internet, sexting and tweeting your latest lover like a pro. Either way, there are some dating tips that just don’t go out of style.

1. Don’t Compromise Your Core Values Just For A Date!

Don’t settle. Do not waver when it comes to your core values and beliefs. Compromising core values and beliefs will end in disaster and regret of having gone on a string of unsatisfying dates. Establish your boundaries right at the beginning of any date to set a tone of confidence and mutual respect. If you have essential differences that can’t be bridged, don’t pretend it’s fine. It’s not, and you don’t need to waste time confirming this again and again.

2. Don’t Be Afraid To Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

When we stay inside our perfect, nice and neat little boxes, we tend to miss out on the adventures of life! Life is meant to be lived, and sometime that means stepping outside our comfort zone and dancing with the unknown. Now let’s be clear, I am not suggested that you place yourself in harm’s way, but I am suggesting that you expand your horizons to try something different. Go new places and explore new things! Is there a gallery or museum you’ve been meaning to check out? A gym you’ve ‘almost’ joined a hundred times? Do it. Make a change and feel the power of your new energy. Develop a new mantra…vive la différence!

3. Be Honest With Yourself And Others

Be clear with your dating intentions. Ask yourself the following questions: 1) Am I dating to have fun? or 2) Am I dating for commitment? Based on your honest answer, you can then approach dating with clarity. Whatever your answer is, it’s ok. Just be upfront with yourself and your potential suitors. Trust me, no one likes the old bait and switch. In addition, this helps you weed out the individuals who do not have the same dating desires. If your dating desire is to find a potential life partner, choose to date only people who express that same desire. Remember, you can’t change people, so don’t set yourself up for failure.

4. Don’t B.S.!

Be yourself. Do not, I repeat, do not send your representative on YOUR date. Show up as your authentic self each and every time. This way your date has the opportunity to get to know the real you. And besides, trying to be someone or something that you’re not requires way too much brainpower and work. Why waste time trying to create this illusion or persona that your date may or may not like? If you present as yourself, then you don’t have to spend time trying to figure out who your date is really interested in, you or your alter ego.

5. Try A Dating Site

This one is for the ‘it’s been a while…’ daters. Yes it’s true, Internet dating is now a ‘timeless tip.’ And here’s another newsflash for you: the traditional methods of dating are becoming extinct, and it just might be a good thing! Good ole technology has created a dating pool that is easily accessible, and frequently makes excellent matches. Get a dating-savvy friend – or maybe your daughter or son! – to help you with your profile, and watch the possibilities pour in.

6. Ditch “The list”

Often times we talk ourselves out of the perfect date because we are being extremely judgment, overly critical or too skeptical. There’s nothing wrong with dating active Stop creating an unrealistic list that no one, including yourself, can ever live up to. It’s certainly ok to have core values and ideal characteristics that you want in a potential mate, but it’s also equally important to be flexible enough to allow for imperfections. For example, things like ‘kindness’ and ‘generosity’ are important. Hair color? Not so much. Decide what’s really important and non-negotiable and throw the rest of the “stuff” out the window or else you will end up spending the rest of your life with your list.

7. Would You Date Yourself?

Ask yourself this question. If the answer is no or if you’re hesitant in your response, then you have some work to do before you begin dating. Oftentimes we have expectations of others that we cannot even meet ourselves. Or we’re so broken from our past that we haven’t taken the time to heal properly. In either case, it’s important to pause for the cause. It’s not fair to take all of your baggage and drop it right in your date’s lap. What I suggest to my clients is to date yourself. Learn who you are and what you like first. Be sure that you’re ready to start fresh. Remember we draw unto to us the very same energy we put out. So, if you’re putting out mess, then that’s exactly what you’ll receive in return.

8. Stop Looking For Love In A Nightclub!

I’m not saying that it’s impossible, but the nightclub is probably not the best place to find a date. People hang out in night clubs and bars for two reasons: 1) to hang out with friends or 2) to find a random “hook up.” Now, if you’re in the market for a night of random indiscretions, then the nightclub may be the place for you. However if you’re looking for something little more substantial, try looking for potential dates in places that truly interest you, or where you can find people who share a commonality. For example, if you’re a jazz aficionado, try frequenting a vintage record store or concerts in the park. This is a much more likely venue to meet your potential mate.

9. Dating Is NOT Synonymous With Sex

Somewhere along the trajectory of the last few decades, dating became “hooking up,” which became synonymous with casual sex. Dating in its true essence is an intentional process that involves getting to know one another in a friendship context while assessing one’s suitability as a potential partner. Sex is not a requirement for that. It’s certainly your choice to engage in casual sex if you consent, however, please be aware of the intended and unintended consequences. Be forewarned that casual sex does not come without a cost: physical, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, energetically, biochemically, socially, etc.

10. It’s Ok To Excuse Yourself

Never allow yourself to stay in a dating situation that makes you uncomfortable. It is totally acceptable to excuse yourself and end the date. If you are on a date and you feel uncomfortable, politely find a way to excuse yourself and exit stage left. And if the date was extremely questionable, find a way to remove the person from your dating line up all together. When in doubt, follow your gut. When people show you who they are, believe it!

While these tips will not guarantee that you will never have the date from hell, they can definitely take some guess work out of the equation and keep you on a promising path. Learn to embrace the joy of showing up authentically each time, and you’ll start to love the dating process. Of course, that is when the perfect mate will appear.

He cheated… Do I Forgive Him?

he cheated do i forgive him

If your spouse has cheated on you more than once, or twice, then they are a repeat cheating-offender and being in love with one can be soul-crushing and draining. This is an immediate, “hell no!” because if they are a repeat offender, they are usually a lost cause. This doesn’t guarantee that the person will cheat on their next relationship, but it does mean your relationship with them will always be doomed.

Lying is the basic foundation for the typical behaviors of a cheater. If your spouse claims to have stopped cheating and you find out they’re still lying to you about things, it’s not worth forgiving them.

A huge reason not to forgive a cheating spouse is that they are still communicating with past lovers. For a cheater to get over their habits and any past relationships, they must cut ties with whom they cheated with or even had relationships with. Once a sexual boundary has been crossed, it is so much easier to get in bed again with that person. It is easier to not even have the temptation near you.

If they have cheated with a close friend or family member then all types of violations were committed and the hurt truly will never end.

If they had a long-term affair then they should go to therapy because this kind of cheating screams that the cheater has deep issues that need to be dealt with in order for them to have a healthy relationship with anyone.

Do not forgive a cheater when they continue going out, making you feel insecure or making no effort to correct their ways. This shows a lack of respect and no desire to change. If they beg for forgiveness but then get caught in lies, then you know for certain that you cannot trust them.

Typical behaviors of a cheater include making excuses, avoiding being physically intimate with you, lying, being distant and initiating arguments. If your spouse’s negative cheating behaviors disappear or are decreasing, you should consider forgiving them.

Does your partner show empathy, remorse and restitution? For example, remorse is deep regret or guilt for a wrong committed. Empathy is the feeling that you understand and share another person’s experiences and emotions. Restitution is an act of restoring or a condition of being restored. When it comes to forgiveness, these three conditions work beautifully together and lay the foundation for forgiveness.

A spouse should always be forgiven for cheating, even if you choose not to stay with that spouse. When you do not forgive, anger and resentment will eat you alive. Anger and revenge are horrible for your health and soul.

One good reason to forgive a cheating spouse is because you genuinely want to continue with the marriage. Forgiving isn’t just continuing the marriage while holding on to anger and hurt, it’s actually letting go and actively practicing trust again.

This takes time. Sometimes, years. Be prepared for this journey because it’s not an easy one. Don’t feel as if you need to follow through either, it is perfectly okay to later decide that the relationship is no longer worth saving. Be true to yourself, first and foremost.

Your spouse will never be able to force you to heal, or speed up the process, even if they’re trying hard to regain your trust.

Only you can decide to heal, then pursue healing.

Is your significant other acting strange and you’re not quite sure if they are cheating on you or if it’s all in your head? Check out this article that tells you how to determine if your partner is cheating on you, straight from a private investigator! 

Check out Dr. Ava’s free Healing Course here as well.


This article originally appeared on ElyShouldKnow


How Dating Will Be Forever Changed By COVID-19

Finding love will never be the same again.

Let’s face it, modern dating will not return to the way it was before the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we live our lives.

As a love coach, my business has been booming during the pandemic. Interestingly, dating and COVID-19 is a common topic these days. People in relationships are locked in together and forced to talk out their problems. Those who are seeking love have lost many of the options that once distracted them from their loneliness.

Coronavirus has changed everything! When things get back to the “new normal”, what does that mean for dating? Perhaps, this pandemic has created a newfound appreciation for communication. Which was and always will be the most important thing when establishing a healthy relationship. Let’s focus on the positive! You’re being forced to be creative and expand your horizons.

And, let’s not forget that dating is often expensive! You pay for parking, food, and even the drinks! Now, you can plan a sexy virtual date without taking a huge financial hit! It’s not like you shouldn’t interact with any new people. But, just like how you could cautiously date pre-pandemic, you can still do that now!

Testing for COVID is free in many places. So, get a quick test, exchange results, and spend the weekend together. This is now something you need to consider since you’ve been talking and virtually dating for weeks!

Thanks to the pandemic, we’re actually getting to know potential partners prior to meeting them. Which drastically reduces our chances of sleeping with some random who turns out to be a sociopath and steals all the hand soap. I’m all for embracing your sexuality and having some consensual fun. But if you’re looking for something real, something that will stand the test of time, then these changes to the dating world are actually great!

If you aren’t trying to walk off into the sunset with your soulmate, you don’t have to settle for months of nothingness either!

The elusive oxytocin rush might be a tad more difficult to attain because it’s mostly triggered by touch but you have a hand or two and a vivid imagination!

You’re not the only one who’s seeking some sexy entertainment. In fact, at the moment, you have more attentive options than ever. Tinder even expanded their borders, allowing you to meet someone anywhere in the world. Users have been messaging each other 20 percent more frequently and average conversation lengths are around 25 percent longer.

So, go get your rainbow after the storm!

Since for the foreseeable future initial contacts will be online time to let Erika Jordan get you The Best Online Dating Bio.

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Virtual Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

What Is The Sexiest Profession? (According To Online Daters)


Recently, an Indian friend of mine told me that her parents posted a profile of her on a number of Indian dating sites in the U.S., or “Indian Matrimonial Websites”, as they are called. But her parents didn’t care about what the guys looked like; all they cared about what what the men did for a living.

On the Indian dating site, there is an actual chart that lists available men by their professions. This is for parents who can eliminate the “middle management” IT guy and go right for the three professions most coveted in India: 1) Doctor 2) Lawyer, and 3) Dentist.

Meanwhile, a dating app from London called Happn, conducted a survey which rated the most attractive jobs people could have according to gender. Here are the jobs that made the “sexy” cut:


  1. Entrepreneur
  2. Lawyer
  3. Designer
  4. Architect
  5. Property developer
  6. Strategic consultant
  7. Advertising manager
  8. Broker
  9. Consultant
  10. Creative director


  1. Marketing manager
  2. Lawyer
  3. PR executive
  4. Teacher
  5. Designer
  6. Personal assistant
  7. Consultant
  8. Finance
  9. Interior designer
  10. Journalist

Five Staycation Ideas For A Fun & Safe Summer Vacation

Staying safe doesn’t mean not having fun!

Woohoo, it’s summertime! Time to pack my bags full of bikinis and… Oh wait, we’re in the middle of a never-ending global pandemic.

Well, in that case, have no fear!

Staying safe doesn’t have to mean not leaving the house. You can have a ton of fun planning a “staycation” right at home or in your town that won’t require much effort at all.

If you’ve never taken a staycation before, then you’ll probably need a couple of staycation ideas to help get you started. It’s time to get creative.

Here are 5 staycation ideas to have fun and stay safe this summer.

1. Look at places near you that you’ve never explored.

You’ve probably connected certain locations as “vacation destinations” and others just as “destinations.” Any new location can be a vacation with the right mindset!

You can sit around and mope, or redirect and flourish. There are endless websites and apps that will give you reviews on hotels or Airbnbs practicing appropriate safety measures.

2. Look at Airbnbs, hotels, and bed and breakfasts hours away.

If you happen to book a hotel in a smaller town, you’ll not only be taking a vacation to someplace new, but you’ll be going to a place with less risk.

Smaller towns make social distancing easier, while still providing new scenery for you and your family to safely explore.

3. Plan a road trip in an RV.

Of course, you can pack up and drive to Canada or the other side of the country if long road trips are your thing, too.

Rent a mobile home or bus, pack the fridge full of food to avoid risky stops, and enjoy the ride! You can take fun pictures along the way and find exciting places to safely visit while social distancing.

It might not be the trip to Fiji you had planned, but it sure beats binge-watching Netflix for the 300th time this year.

4. Make yourself a home “spa.”

If you don’t want to leave the house, you can tidy up the place, throw on your robe, cut up some cucumbers for your eyes, and get some sheet masks.

Make some changes to your environment, like lighting candles or even pitching a tent in your backyard.

Splurge on a few luxurious beauty products, try a couple of new beauty hacks, or make it a DIY beauty treatment evening.

If you want your luxury items to be a surprise, consider ordering a beauty subscription box ahead of time. Rather than opening the packages when you get them, save them until the day your actual staycation starts. That way, you’ll have something to look forward to.

If it’s just you and your partner or spouse, take a shower together afterward to wash each other off!

5. Buy a fancy set of sheets and blankets.

Dress up your duvet and invest in high-thread-count hotel sheets. Leave chocolate on your own pillow.

Find ways to stimulate your senses comparable to when you’re on vacation. If you loved the Bahamas, maybe use a body spray or lotion scented like mango or pineapple.

You can’t fake the palm trees or the ocean, but that doesn’t mean your room can’t smell like that sexy villa in Grand Cayman.

Here are some extra tips to help you enjoy your staycation…

  • Put your phone away while you’re spending time with your family.
  • If you’re going to have your staycation at home, tidy up the place first.
  • Stay in your robe and make it relaxing.
  • Have a budget for food and other little things you can splurge on to make it feel fun and luxurious.

Your vacation plans might have been sidelined due to the pandemic, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun and enjoy yourself.

There are many staycation ideas you can take advantage of to make sure that you’re safe and socially distancing while having a great time and getting some much-needed relaxation!

If you are stuck at home, it is a good time to work on yourself. Erika Jordan has your back with ideas on which Skills will get the best response.

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Virtual Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

Dating on the spectrum

Autism & Dating
Illustration by Hattie Reid

Written by Grace Blucher

My name is Grace Blucher, and I am a cisgender, neurotypical psychologist who lives and works on Woiworung Country. While I do not have autism, I work with many clients who are, and we work together to navigate the complex world of sex, love and dating.  In writing this blog, I am not attempting to own or explain the experience of autistic individuals, but to share research, experiences and stories from the therapy room. While this article focuses on the experiences of autistic people, the information shared may also be relevant to other forms of neurodivergence.

Throughout the article, I have used identity first language (autistic, autistic person, autistic people). I realise that some people may prefer person first language (i.e. person with autism, person on the autism spectrum) and thus I would encourage the reader to supplement preferred descriptors where appropriate.  All examples and quotes used in this article have been deidentified and represent themes of client content.

Dating is an experience filled with nuance, subtlety and uncertainty. This can be confusing, stressful, and overwhelming for most people, and even more so for neurodivergent (or neurocosmopolitan) individuals. Building new intimate relationships relies heavily on both the spoken and unspoken – interpreting someone’s eye contact, body positioning, questioning style and interest. There are lots of unspoken rules and possible complications. For autistic people who experience depth and intensity in? social experiences, this uncertainty or confusion may be felt very deeply.  This is one of the main points of discussion in my work with autistic people in the therapy room. I often hear things like this from my clients:

“I had a good time, but then she didn’t want to hang out again. It was confusing.”

“We went on a picnic and I was supposed to bring cheese, but I didn’t know how much I was supposed to spend on cheese.”

“I don’t know what to talk to them about.”

“We were at a coffee shop, but it was too loud, and I had to go. I didn’t know what to tell him.”

What is autism?

Autism has traditionally been defined from a medical lens, with descriptors about difficulty with communication, social interactions and sensory experiences. However, autistic advocates explain autism in a way that talks to neurology: how and when information inputs and outputs are communicated from the brain to the body, and vice versa.  From this perspective, autism is considered to be a different neurology, whereby much more sensory information is experienced by an autistic person.  Due to this significant increase in sensory input, this can mean differences in how long it takes to process information, differences in how information is understood and differences in how the brain responds to the information it has deemed important or relevant. 

Previous labels of ‘high functioning’ or ‘low functioning’ autism may refer to external judgements about how well an autistic person appears to be ‘coping’ and ‘passing’ in a neurotypical world. This also brings up the idea of masking, where autistic people attempt to ‘fit in’ to a defined social norm in order to maintain safety. This includes conscious, rehearsed, learnt behaviours for set situations whilst concurrently suppressing natural behaviours or impulses – often at the expense of self-identity. 

Social scripts – helpful or not?

Dating and sex is inherently a mine field of vulnerability. For a lot of people, this can feel unsafe.  Autistic children learn very early on that many environments are not safe for them (either through real experience or a subconscious awareness leading to heightened anxiety). One way of managing this feeling of unsafety is to learn the social scripts (learnt behaviours) that are ‘appropriate’ for a social setting.

However, the use of these scripts in the context of heightened sensory input, for example the social uncertainty of meeting new people, and the vulnerability of showing romantic or sexual interest is, understandably, an overwhelming experience. This can lead to a push-pull dynamic where autistic people want sex, love and relationships; but understandably, they can feel overwhelmed in such situations.

Some neurotypical people may mistake this feeling of being overwhelmed in romantic or sexual situations for a lack of interest – but this couldn’t be further from the truth. While there is diversity in all of our relationship preferences,  relationships are an important and fundamental part of being human, and this is no different for autistic people. Sex and relationships are good for us too! Research tells us that autistic people in romantic relationships have a greater sense of sexual wellbeing and social and community belonging.

The impact of privilege

Dating is complex and multifaceted, and includes interpersonal, intrapersonal, and sexual factors. As neurotypical people, we need to realise that benefits are conferred onto neurotypical people by society, simply due to the fact that we are neurotypical. And this – boys, gals and non-binary pals – is privilege.

Recognising neurotypical privilege means being aware of the systems, structures, and sensory experiences that we can navigate without experiencing heightened sensory input, while also recognising that this is not the case for all people. In romantic and sexual spaces, this means actively noticing and considering how we, as neurotypical people, can better support and advocate for autistic people in these spaces. (For a brilliant piece on the sensory experience of autistic people having sex, please check out this article, and also this one. The onus is not on the autistic person to do the work, and clients have told me repeatedly how tiring self-advocacy is. However, autistic clients who I work with sometimes bring their relationship issues to the therapy room to talk about how they can support themselves, while other clients want to talk about how they can do better for their autistic partner(s). Some of these issues are listed below.

Let me be clear not all autistic people need support. However, for those that do ask for extra support – and for neurotypical people who do want to do better – I would encourage the reader to read on.

Small talk

Some of my clients tell me about the difficulty they face in having ‘small talk’ with new individuals. Small talk is the introductory conversation that doesn’t lead anywhere or seek to achieve anything. This can be difficult for autistic people as this communication doesn’t conform to a learnt social script and isn’t direction oriented.

It can be helpful to utilise activity-based gatherings when trying to meet people or when with new individuals. Instead of small talk, activity-based gatherings give us the opportunity to talk directly about what we are doing or experiencing. It also provides small breaks in conversation as we turn our attention to the activity. For example, clubs, interest groups and activities can be a great place to meet people with similar interests, providing initial common ground (instead of small talk). 

Additionally, activity-based conversation reduces the experience of vulnerability, as we are ‘trying to find things to talk about,’ and may increase an autistic persons’ level of comfort with another or a group of people over time. If you are romantically or sexually interested in someone, complimenting their performance of the activity also provides a good opportunity to express your interest.

An important note – if you don’t like small talk, you don’t have to do it! Learning to engage in small talk is experienced by some autistic people as ‘masking’ – a disingenuous adaptation to the neurotypical world. Masking helps keep autistic people safe by pleasing others and prioritising the needs of others (usually neurotypicals) in order to conform to arbitrary social rules.

Some autistic people say that this helps them move through a world not built to support neurodivergence, while others say that it is exhausting, marginalising and fuels self-criticism. In an ideal world, the environment in which romance, dating, sex happens should be made safe in order to support autistic people. If you are dating or in a relationship with an autistic person, check in with them about what they might need you to do in order to help them feel safe and to reduce their sensory input – and proactively take steps to do this.

Dating can focus on interpreting non-verbal communication

Dating in the neurotypical world is usually centred on socially-based activities where there is a focus on nonverbal communication and interpretation. For example, consider going out to dinner or for a drink. In these instances, we are trying to ascertain if someone is interested in us platonically, romantically, sexually or not at all. This involves paying attention to body cues and language. Because there is such a strong focus on ‘making a good impression’ (especially early on), this can be particularly stressful for autistic people who may be suppressing their true selves (for the reasons explored above), while also trying to understand if the person or people they are dating are right for them. Not only are we contending with the stress of a new environment, the ‘pressure to impress’ and uncertainty about a new person – but also the sound, sight, taste, and touch experiences of bars, clubs and cafes. No wonder it’s overwhelming!

Some of my clients also talk about the confusion about unspoken social roles and “who does what” when newly dating. For example, many people can feel the gender role expectation of who ‘makes a move’ really challenging. There may also be power dynamics at play in terms of gender, sexual preference and relationship structure that make this murkier too.

It can help to make these unwritten rules and expectations clear either before the date or at the start. If you are going on a date with an autistic person, it may be helpful to flag these expectations early on. For example, “I think we should each pay for ourselves today,” “If today goes well, it is ok if I ask to kiss you?” “I would like it if we could talk again, but I probably will wait until Wednesday.” By bringing these worries, expectations and social scripts into the conversation explicitly, we are able to reduce uncertainty for all.

Liking someone = preoccupation and fixation

Finally, some of my autistic clients also talk to me about what happens when they are really into someone, and how sometimes, this person or people can almost become like special interest areas. They describe curiosity and early infatuation that comes with a new relationship can quickly turn into a preoccupation or fixation. I have worked with people who can spend hours upon hours on the social media accounts of their new love interests, trying to remember and research all the things that this new person is into just in case this is something that comes up on the date. This may sometimes be driven by anxiety, however also then becomes part of the mask that autistic people wear in romantic environments.

Being really into someone and wanting to find out all about them is wonderful, and setting up boundaries and consensual arrangements with a new partner(s) can be really helpful in understanding what is okay for all people involved. For example, it can be useful for the new relationship to think about how often you might want to spend time together, and what does communication look like when you are not together.

Dating, like anything worth having, can be hard at times. However, we as the partners, friends or lovers of autistic people need to recognise the privilege we bring to sexual and romantic spaces, and actively work to promote and support equity in these places.

At SHIPS, all our practitioners are knowledgeable and skilled with working with neurodivergent individuals. If you or your relationship may benefit from some extra support, please check out our website here.


Sexual Health and Intimacy Psychological Services (SHIPSis a progressive psychology practice in Fitzroy, Melbourne. They provide sex, intimacy and mental health treatment in person and online. All SHIPS practitioners share inclusive and progressive values, are passionate about improving the lives of their clients and aim to create a safe space for you to get the help and support you need.

This article was previously published at

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Erika Jordan’s ‘Advice For Men’ – 3 Steps To Orgasm

Erika Jordan gives men the 3 steps they need to make sure their lovers orgasm!

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Virtual Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

Welcome to Playmate Pickup Podcast

Erika Jordan podcast

You can find Love Coach Erika Jordan in numerous videos on her YouTube channel. Also here on with her Advice For Men series, SDC and endless other places. Now Erika Jordan is making a splash in the world of podcasts! Erika takes her life experience combined with education to help you navigate the world of love. Listen to her hilarious adventures in the world of sad dating all designed to help you avoid the same mistakes. From Erika’s many years starring on Playboy TV or touring the world as a NLP practitioner she’s coming at you with a steady stream of entertainment. If you have any sex or dating questions you can leave a comment below.

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Virtual Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!