Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Sex in the News

Topics of Sex in current events around the world.

Weird Sex Toy of The Week

Here's a sex toy for the guy who has everything. Or for the guy who has a wife who won't let him have a...

Scientific Study Says “Sex Unleashes Your Tongue.”

A new study published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,  says that when people get sexually excited by someone they just met, they "self...

Is There Such Thing As A Pooping In Public Fetish?

Dear Sexpert, Q: I recently read about people who "purposely" poop in their pants in public. Is there such a thing? Is there a sexual...

Museum In Paris Explores History of Prostitution Through Art

The first major art show about Parisian prostitution will open at Musee d'Orsay in Paris,  Splendor and Misery: Images of Prostitution 185-1910, named after...

How Many Dates Before You Do It? Survey Says… asked over 5,500 singles about their dating habits including how many dates seemed to work out the best before they have sex. And...

Masturbation Survey: A Touchy Subject

Tenga is a sex toy company from Japan that sells millions of masturbation toys for men. These toys for boys include "sleeves" and "eggs",...

What Type Of Guy Gives Ladies The Most Orgasms?

What kind of guy gives the best orgasms? Is it a personality trait, a certain behavior, or both? Thanks to a new study, we can...

How To Shave Your Pubes Without Hurting Yourself

Since the majority of people say they want their partners to trim down the pubic 'fro, there are a number of things you can...

How To Get A Tighter Vag (And Stop Peeing Yourself)

For younger women who went through childbirth and older women who went through menopause, the vajajay can go through changes that aren't so great. If...

What Dating Apps Have The Highest Percentage Of Women?

Last year during the scandalous Ashley Madison hack, it was revealed that the super popular "married but cheating" site had an overwhelming majority of...