What Type Of Guy Gives Ladies The Most Orgasms?

What kind of guy gives the best orgasms? Is it a personality trait, a certain behavior, or both? Thanks to a new study, we can all have more orgasms.

“The evolution of the female orgasm in humans and its role in romantic relationships is poorly understood,” says a new study. The research, published in Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology, was called “Testing the mate-choice hypothesis of the female orgasm: disentangling traits and behaviors.” We love studies on why women have orgasms and why they don’t.

103 single women completed the 71-minute survey because researchers felt that “Those in a relationship may feel obliged to rate their current partner more favorably than is strictly true.” From an evolutionary position, there is a “discriminatory mechanism designed to select high-quality mates” for what they call “high-frequency orgasms.”

Researchers compared the personality traits and sexual behaviors of “low orgasm partners” and “high orgasm partners” to see what differed. According to the results of the survey,  they found that “how often women experienced orgasm as a result of sexual intercourse was related to their partner’s income, self-confidence, and how attractive he was.” It also found that “Orgasm intensity was also related to how attracted they were to their partners.” In other words, cute, rich guys give women super orgasms.

“Those with partners who they rated as more attractive also tended to have more intense orgasms,” the study found. (Now you know why women date assholes.) Orgasm frequency was highly correlated with orgasm intensity, and orgasm intensity was a marginally better predictor of sexual satisfaction than orgasm frequency.

The study also identified the “partner psychological traits” that predicted how often women wanted to initiate getting it on. Those were “motivation, intelligence, focus, and determination.” Their partner’s sense of humor not only predicted his self-confidence, the study found, but also predicted women’s “propensity to initiate sex, how often they had sex, and it enhanced their orgasm frequency in comparison to other partners.” Make us laugh and we turn into nymphos.

Broken down further, these six characteristics were present in men most likely to give women orgasms: “humor, attractiveness, creativity, emotional warmth, faithfulness, and body odor pleasantness.” We just want a funny, hot, creative, warm guy who doesn’t cheat or stink; is that asking too much?

Other questions that figured into the findings included how many times they had sex per week, and their ratings of sexual satisfaction.” But the survey also asked whether guys were “rubbing the pink canoe.” Women were asked if men “manually stimulated” the clitoris, as they should if they want to get laid again. “It could be this activity that distinguishes “high-orgasm” and “low-orgasm” partners, as well as personal characteristics.” Dudes, deep rubbing down there and everyone will have a happy ending.

We’ll take a super orgasm or a regular one, just as long as we’re getting one. (blush from Nars)

Our kind of guy.

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Anka Radakovich is a legendary Sex Columnist, Certified Sexologist, Sex Educator, Screenwriter, and Author of the book THE WILD GIRLS CLUB, PART 2, Tales from New York to Hollywood. THE WILD GIRLS CLUB, Part 2 is her third book. Her first two books, The Wild Girls Club; Tales from below the Belt, and Sexplorations; Journeys to the Erogenous Frontier were both published by Crown/Random House. She was the Sex Columnist for DETAILS Magazine for 9 years and currently writes columns for Brides.com and Los Angeles Magazine. Her writing has appeared in dozens of magazines including Marie Claire, Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Harper’s Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Men's Journal, Seventeen, Glamour, and Maxim. She has appeared on numerous television shows including 8 appearances with Conan O’Brien. She was a Jeopardy question under the category “Men’s Mags.” As a Sex Educator and Sexologist, she is a college lecturer at Universities throughout the country who offers her unique brand of sex education. Follow her on Twitter @ankarad.


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