Masturbation Survey: A Touchy Subject

Tenga is a sex toy company from Japan that sells millions of masturbation toys for men. These toys for boys include “sleeves” and “eggs”, and are sold to self-pleasure seekers worldwide. The company recently conducted a masturbation survey which “aims to further this cultural acceptance, and aid in sexual performance with or without a partner(s).” Playing with yourself they say, helps your performance when you’re playing with someone other than yourself.

The survey, called “The United States of Masturbation,” asked 1,200 Americans for their opinions on masturbation. What they found is that nearly everyone masturbates! Duh. “So why aren’t we talking about it?” they asked. (Guy at cocktail party: “Hey Bob, how’s the masturbation going.?” Bob: “Well I rubbed out the purple-headed monster twice today.”)

The survey found that 95% of men masturbated and 81% of women “polished the pink pearl.” But more than half of the population says they are “uncomfortable” talking about it. Why? “Embarrassment,” the study found.

When asked “Why do you masturbate?” the answers included “to relieve sexual tension” (59%), “sexual pleasure” (56%), “stress relief/relaxation” (54%), “sleep aid” (26%), and “improving sexual performance” (13%).

A pulsating take-away from the survey was the finding that a whopping 95% of masturbators said their experience masturbating in front of a partner was either “good”, “very good,” or “excellent.” Who ever talks about that?



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Anka Radakovich is a legendary Sex Columnist, Certified Sexologist, Sex Educator, Screenwriter, and Author of the book THE WILD GIRLS CLUB, PART 2, Tales from New York to Hollywood. THE WILD GIRLS CLUB, Part 2 is her third book. Her first two books, The Wild Girls Club; Tales from below the Belt, and Sexplorations; Journeys to the Erogenous Frontier were both published by Crown/Random House. She was the Sex Columnist for DETAILS Magazine for 9 years and currently writes columns for and Los Angeles Magazine. Her writing has appeared in dozens of magazines including Marie Claire, Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Harper’s Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Men's Journal, Seventeen, Glamour, and Maxim. She has appeared on numerous television shows including 8 appearances with Conan O’Brien. She was a Jeopardy question under the category “Men’s Mags.” As a Sex Educator and Sexologist, she is a college lecturer at Universities throughout the country who offers her unique brand of sex education. Follow her on Twitter @ankarad.


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