One of my services as a dating coach is to create online dating profiles for my clients. Although fun and rewarding, it can also be disheartening to learn just how bad people are at personal marketing. Sometimes, even basic communication can be a challenge for them. This doesn’t mean they’re bad or uninteresting people. It just means their strengths are somewhere outside of written intercommunication.
Unfortunately, our written communication is often the first (and possibly only) impression we get to make, so if we don’t know how to effectively communicate on the page or screen, we lose valuable opportunity.
If you’re ready to pick up a few tips to help you come across as a more dateable person, read on. As your coach, I want to see you discover your inner magnetism, so here’s a little freebie to get you on the right path and to avoid making these three common mistakes.
Rule #1
We all have pet peeves and deal breakers, but it is important that we focus on the positive when creating our personal marketing campaign. Studies show us that people respond better to those who are positive, so yes, while there will be some dislikes that will inevitably be addressed, these are not the comments that are going earn us the attention of great people. Remain pleasant and focus on what you do like and what makes you a fun and interesting person to be with. Later on, you and your date(s) can discover the rest, but if you begin on a negative note, you’ll never have the opportunity to discover that you both have a fierce hatred of green M&M’s together.
Rule #2
A rule for good writing in general, is to treat your paper like a canvas and paint a picture. For example, you can say “I like steak. I can make it pretty good”, or you can say, “I love the sumptuous, caramelized deliciousness of a steak when cooked by the hands of a skilled chef who understands the importance of temperature. I’m no Cordon Bleu alumni, but I’m a pretty impressive novice.”
Which sentence structure offers a more enticing, entertaining, sensory experience? Which helps you demonstrate your personality and lifestyle better? When it comes to words, be a painter. You will see more interest from prospective dates when you communicate like a passionate and dynamic person.
Rule #3
Do NOT say you like or expect physical relations. Unless you’re on Asexual Finders or, the expectation of a physical relationships developing after getting to know each other is a given. If the chemistry is right, intimate activity will follow, but stating this in your dating profile makes you sound like you’re focused on the wrong thing. Don’t be a creep.
The way we express ourselves can make or break us. Learning how to deliver an effective message will greatly increase your success rate. If you’re ready to see a difference today, take a look and see if you might be guilty of one of these three common mistakes, and when you’re ready to get really good, call me.