Are Pools And Hot Tubs Safe For Your Lady Bits?

The New York Post ran a story recently discussing the Spa Castle in Queens, New York, a “mega spa” with a 21 pools and hot tubs. They reported that people were having “underwater sex” and that other people were “grossed out.” Don’t touch the mega foam.

This raised the question of “Is sex in a pool or hot tub safe?” “Can you catch anything?” Well, the answer is yes and no. It’s unlikely that you will catch an STD by jumping in the pool, as the chlorine would kill the pesky microbes floating around. But you could still get an STD if you have unprotected sex in the hot tub with someone who hasn’t told you he/she has an STD.

The biggest problem with chlorine is that it changes the PH in your vagina, which promotes bacteria, which could lead to a UTI infection a short time later. And you can get a yeast infection because of the PH change too. You can also get a heat rash it the hot tub is too hot, which would be a hot mess.

Meanwhile, back at the Spa Castle, a customer told the Post she saw “lots of girls sitting on guy’s laps and they would be bobbing up and down. It was pretty obvious they were having sex. I’ve also seen guys rubbing one out the wet way.” A new location opens up in Manhattan June 15th.

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Anka Radakovich is a legendary Sex Columnist, Certified Sexologist, Sex Educator, Screenwriter, and Author of the book THE WILD GIRLS CLUB, PART 2, Tales from New York to Hollywood. THE WILD GIRLS CLUB, Part 2 is her third book. Her first two books, The Wild Girls Club; Tales from below the Belt, and Sexplorations; Journeys to the Erogenous Frontier were both published by Crown/Random House. She was the Sex Columnist for DETAILS Magazine for 9 years and currently writes columns for and Los Angeles Magazine. Her writing has appeared in dozens of magazines including Marie Claire, Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Harper’s Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Men's Journal, Seventeen, Glamour, and Maxim. She has appeared on numerous television shows including 8 appearances with Conan O’Brien. She was a Jeopardy question under the category “Men’s Mags.” As a Sex Educator and Sexologist, she is a college lecturer at Universities throughout the country who offers her unique brand of sex education. Follow her on Twitter @ankarad.


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