What country has the biggest breasts? That would be the US Of A. Or US of Double D. A new study researched what countries have the biggest boobs–and the U.S. is #1.
Women born in the U.S. have the biggest sweater puppies than women in any other country. Filipino women having the smallest.
The study called,”Entific analysis reveals major differences in the breast size of women in different countries”, studied 400,000 women from 108 countries. Only women with real, natural breasts were asked to participate, which probably eliminated half the population of California and Texas.
Methods used to measure breast volume included a sophisticated 3D imaging machine, as well as an old fashioned tape measure. (When I told my Dad this, he commented, “Wow, I would have loved that job.”)
The new study, published in The Journal of Female Health Sciences, found that women with big American breasts were followed by women from Canada, Ireland, Poland and the UK. After Filipino women with the least volume came Malaysian, Bangladeshi, Somoan and Solomon Islands females.
So why was this study even done in the first place? Don’t scientists have more important things to do? The researchers explain that “knowing breast size variation by country is needed to serve as guide in product development and to target market actions of the clothing industry and providers of cosmetic surgery providers.”
Big or small, all boobs are good, except maybe the ones below, which could be used as a flotation device.
A woman named “Beshine” has bigger than bowling balls sized 32Z boobs that weigh 20 pounds each.
(Polka dot bikini model: Denise Milani)