Sunday, May 12, 2024

Erika Jordan’s Advice For Men Best Questions To Ask A Girl

You know women like to talk, But do you know what questions to ask her? Erika Jordan wants to help you with that! No matter if she’s your girlfriend or a girl you just met these questions tend to evoke a positive response. They will help you get or keep the girl.

What makes you feel special?

If you could quit your job and pursue your passion what would you do?

Who is the biggest influence in your life?

What’s a fun fact about you that I don’t know yet?

Not only are these great conversation starters but if you take proper notes it’ll help you navigate the relationship. Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Virtual Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

To keep up with latest advice from Erika Jordan follow our YouTube channel and check out The Playmate Pickup podcast.

Erika Jordan’s “Advice for Men” – How To Pull Her Hair

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Virtual Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

Men and Women Are Different: How to Communicate About Sex

Men and women are so different they seem to come from different planets. Or at least that is what John Grey the author of the New York Times best seller, Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus claims. Embracing and accepting our differences will help us maintain healthy relationships.

But what does this mean? Men are able to focus on narrow issues while blocking out unrelated information and distractions. Women naturally see everyday things from a broader, “big-picture” vantage point. We can all recall walking by a couple where the woman is chatting away and guy is seemingly staring into space. The man might really care for her but just can’t tune in to all the mind numbing details. Men prefer to get to the point quickly instead of walking around the point in circles.

Instead of getting into the complex mind of a female, I will simply point out five major points. That if employed will help you communicate much better with women.

1: I don’t know, what do you want to do? We all hate this question but it is one that is asked quite often. When she asks you a question, it is best to always have an answer. Even if you have no preference where to eat just say the first place that pops into your mind. Always having an answer sets a tone and creates a pattern that has her seeing you as the solution man and a man who cares. Don’t pretend to know more than you do. A lie is visible from space. I will look into that is a viable answer. I have heard many times that a woman’s favorite three words is some form of “I’ve got this”.

2: Communication not interrogation. You have heard people say if you get her talking about herself she will feel like she is having a good time and connecting with you. This is true but it doesn’t mean interrogate her. Asking her a steady stream of questions makes her feel like you are genuinely interested in her. Contribute to the conversation and make sure you relate to her and evoke emotion. Make sure that you ask open ended questions that require more than one word as a response and can turn into a conversation. “What do you like about living in Los Angeles?”

3: Learning to drive a woman. If you want something to change in the relationship it is going to require time. Take time as you sit together, cook together, eat together, travel together to voice your dissatisfaction with certain aspects of the relationship. Just do it in a calm fashion. Tone of voice is about half of the communication so pay attention to your tone. Reassure her that you are happy (if you are) with the overall relationship. You just want one or two things to change. When she has the mic be an active listener, don’t look around or just sit there, and don’t say “uh uh” every few seconds. Watch her body language, tone and proceed like they taught us in drivers ed. IPDE. Identify, predict, decide and execute.

4: No unnecessary apology. Most women I know think a man comes off as a wimp when he starts every sentence off with “I’m sorry.” Don’t apologize for not agreeing with her. Don’t apologize for wanting to watch the game (unless it’s during her grandmothers funeral). Not only will you over-use “sorry” but it will not have the same impact when you really mean it.

5: Don’t argue with crazy. When I say “Don’t argue with crazy.” I mean that to a woman, she’s not being crazy at the moment. Even though every other person on this earth would clearly side with your opinion.  They are what they are and you attempting to rationalize or solve the problem isn’t always the right thing to do. If she starts crying during a cat commercial because the cat is “just so fluffy,” the smart thing to do is simply put your arm around her and attempt to put yourself in her shoes. Is she suffering from PMS, did her cat just die, or did she forget to take her meds? Regardless of where she is on the crazy scale the right way to deal with something you see is illogical or “crazy” is to sympathize with it and bring some humor into the situation if possible to lighten the mood.

Since much of communication is listening time to review the previous post from Erika Jordan, How To Listen To A Woman.

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!


Erika Jordan’s “Advice For Men” Skills

You need skills to get the girl. Perhaps you have already acquired skills and just are not properly utilizing them. Erika Jordan is back with Advice For Men where here she gives you the scoop on the various skills that women want! Remember if you want to keep the girl the one skill that is a must is active listening. Don’t just listen for a point to respond but to actually process the conversation including the body language. This will give you the clues to know what skills she expects from you to demonstrate value.

Another good subtle skill is touch. Erika Jordan has you covered here also with How To use Touch On A Date

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Virtual Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

Talking Abs with Erika Jordan

Are you happy with your physique? Are your abs toned and strong? If toning your stomach is on your “To Do” list start with Erika Jordan’s basic abs session! Let Erika Jordan lead you to a healthier and sexier life. You can do it anywhere and you will feel the difference!

Erika Jordan

Certified Love Coach, NLP practitioner

My six week course Playmate Pickup is now available at with personalized guidance. 

How Dating Will Be Forever Changed By COVID-19

Finding love will never be the same again.

Let’s face it, modern dating will not return to the way it was before the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we live our lives.

As a love coach, my business has been booming during the pandemic. Interestingly, dating and COVID-19 is a common topic these days. People in relationships are locked in together and forced to talk out their problems. Those who are seeking love have lost many of the options that once distracted them from their loneliness.

Coronavirus has changed everything! When things get back to the “new normal”, what does that mean for dating? Perhaps, this pandemic has created a newfound appreciation for communication. Which was and always will be the most important thing when establishing a healthy relationship. Let’s focus on the positive! You’re being forced to be creative and expand your horizons.

And, let’s not forget that dating is often expensive! You pay for parking, food, and even the drinks! Now, you can plan a sexy virtual date without taking a huge financial hit! It’s not like you shouldn’t interact with any new people. But, just like how you could cautiously date pre-pandemic, you can still do that now!

Testing for COVID is free in many places. So, get a quick test, exchange results, and spend the weekend together. This is now something you need to consider since you’ve been talking and virtually dating for weeks!

Thanks to the pandemic, we’re actually getting to know potential partners prior to meeting them. Which drastically reduces our chances of sleeping with some random who turns out to be a sociopath and steals all the hand soap. I’m all for embracing your sexuality and having some consensual fun. But if you’re looking for something real, something that will stand the test of time, then these changes to the dating world are actually great!

If you aren’t trying to walk off into the sunset with your soulmate, you don’t have to settle for months of nothingness either!

The elusive oxytocin rush might be a tad more difficult to attain because it’s mostly triggered by touch but you have a hand or two and a vivid imagination!

You’re not the only one who’s seeking some sexy entertainment. In fact, at the moment, you have more attentive options than ever. Tinder even expanded their borders, allowing you to meet someone anywhere in the world. Users have been messaging each other 20 percent more frequently and average conversation lengths are around 25 percent longer.

So, go get your rainbow after the storm!

Since for the foreseeable future initial contacts will be online time to let Erika Jordan get you The Best Online Dating Bio.

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Virtual Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

Erika Jordan’s ‘Advice For Men’ – Best Sex Positions For Anal

This video gives you the very hot low-down on which sex positions can become anal sex positions, giving them a super-charged erotic twist. Erika’s here to spice up your Netflix & chill evening.

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Virtual Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

There Are More Than Two Genders

Newsflash! There are more than 2 types of gender.

I felt the need to clarify after encountering numerous videos pointing to text that says, “there are only 2 genders.” This misinformation is dismissive of real live human beings who just happen to not fit into our societal gender norms.

There are many different gender identities. Such as male, female, transgender, gender neutral, non-binary, agender, pangender, genderqueer, two-spirit, third gender etc. But first let’s talk about your definition of gender?

What’s a male? Anyone who has a penis? What 1s a person who was born with ovaries and a penis?

Some people conclude XY chromosome means male and XX chromosome means female. Well then what about XXY chromosomes or XXXY?

Whatever your definition of male or female it is simply your interpretation. It is wrong to not accept something simply because you do not fully understand it. Our societies need to force people into male or female is not universal. Australia recognizes a third gender, in South Asia they call the third gender hijra.

Intersex is a term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with sexual anatomy or a reproductive system that doesn’t ft the typical definition of male or female. 1-2 out of 100 people are born intersex. There are more intersex individuals than red heads and we would not think to deny their existence. Our closed mindedness not only refuses to acknowledge the existence of over 70 million people in the world. But we shame them and attempt to force them into choosing male or female. In an attempt to make their child “normal” some parents even opt for surgery that can create irreversible physical and psychological harm.

If a person is born with XXY chromosomes or XXXY it does not necessarily result in a condition where there is discrepancy between internal and external genitalia. There might be problems with sex hormone levels, sperm count, overall sexual development, or altered number of sex chromosomes. A person could go their entire life not knowing they do not fit into the gender norm.

The people who deny the existence of a third gender, often consider themselves conservative and religious implying that God has a plan. And yet somehow messed up with anyone who does not fit neatly into the male or female category. Other cultures celebrate the third gender. Perhaps they have a perspective that the average person can’t understand. Whatever the case may be at the very least we should all acknowledge that there are more than two genders. This is not an opinion this is based on facts. People that don’t fit into the gender norm deserve to be acknowledged and accepted the way they are.

If this is still confusing time to go back and let Erika Jordan help. Let us explore the differences in the two most common genders in Men and Women Are Different.

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

Erika Jordan

Certified Love Coach, NLP Practitioner

Erika Jordan’s “Advice For Men” Dick Pics

Don’t send dick pics. Just reach down deep and kill that impulse to send a dick pic. But in the few occasions when you are genuinely asked for a dick pic. At least learn how to do it correctly. Good thing Erika Jordan is back with Advice For Men. Here she gives you the scoop on how to take a good dick pic.

Since the goal is to get a partner to join you in play you might want to check out Erika Jordan’s “Advice For Men” – How To Get Her To Be More Adventurous In Bed

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Virtual Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

Benefits of Kissing

The Kissing Cure


I’m Erika Jordan certified life coach and NLP practitioner. An Oxford University study found that kissing helps us to find and keep the right partner. Yeah kissing is fun. But also kissing might be something we do for answers and to improve our relationship! According to research, kissing allows us to subconsciously assess a potential partner by picking up on “biological compatibility cues.” Kissing was found to be useful for finding a person you want a relationship with long-term. Couples who make it a point to kiss a lot were also found to have higher levels of oxytocin. And had higher levels of relationship satisfaction than couples who don’t kiss a lot. When couples have higher levels of oxytocin between them, they were also found to finish each other’s sentences and touch more. In short, they were very in sync.


That amazing connection you experience in the beginning doesn’t last. This passionate love eventually transitions to the second phase of love, which is attachment love. As you get to know each other better, You lose that “untamed love feeling” because your body shifts from releasing dopamine, adrenaline, and serotonin to vasopressin and oxytocin. “These are believed to play roles in bonding parent to child through breastfeeding, cuddling and kissing. They’re so essential to bonding and creating a lasting relationship that when you suppress vasopressin in animal experiments, parents will abandon their young.” Research has also found that oxytocin helps men in particular stay monogamous. So even with all the options out there, these bonding hormones make it so you stay faithful to just one person. So yeah.. the shift from exciting new love to tried and true is less exciting but necessary to keep you together. 


Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence, and get them to want you!!!! Come find me at My six week course, Playmate Pickup is available with personalized guidance at Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!