This season is a great time to stock up on your play items. Whether you have a box, drawer, closet, or if you are really lucky and have a room for play, the holiday time of Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Christmas, and New Year’s really makes the perfect time to pick up all kinds of props to take your imagination to the next level as you act out your desires.

What you should be on the lookout for are candles, incense, paper products, such as plates, cups, and napkins, even balloons. If you are a baker and like different decorated baked goods, now is also the time to pick up some unique icing colors and other items for decoration.
What is great about this time is all the colored items and the number of costumes that are available. See, you might want to do some role playing like doctor and nurse, professor and student, pirate and wench, or superheroes, just to name a few.
I have done this myself. For example, I like to match things. I would buy takeout and serve it on the color of paper product that would match my lingerie. Easy clean up, but not wonderful for the environment. It might sound a little silly, but it was fun and never dull. The possibilities are endless. For the items I found that I liked a lot, I would try to find reusable versions.

Sometimes you can find music that you may be very fond of during this time of year. If you are not into holiday music, make note of what you would like to listen to during your playtime. It might be an artist that you like and they are coming out with something new. Make sure to make a note of when it will be available to download.
If you are into Comic-Con, you probably wear elaborate costumes that are sometimes quite expensive. This is where this time of year comes into play. The costumes that are at your local discount stores may not be made of the best material, but that is okay because you can play in them and not feel too badly if they get some extra fluids on them. It is all about the fun.
You can find cool looking wigs and glitter make up, which can be very difficult to find during the rest of the year, without paying extra in price. You should also be able to find uniquely colored hosiery during this season, also for a reasonable price. If you are into the Day of The Dead, this is the perfect time to stock up on essentials for your roll playing. A lot of times stores will also bring in special home décor items. You will be able to pick up blankets and pillows in fabulous colors.

By stocking up on what you like now, you will be able to plan a weekend of play around sight, sound, smell, taste, feel, colors, theme, or all these factors. The colors and inventory that are available now can help you have a rainbow of choices throughout the year. In October you can find orange and black items. During November, you can add gold, yellow and brown. December adds opportunities for items of red, green, silver, and blue. Just a reminder, you will be able to pick up item in pink and purple during March and April. Make the holidays work for you.

Here are a couple of roles you can act out:
Salsa Night: Colors are black and red.
Pick up your favorite Mexican food. Put on some salsa music, cover the bed with soft blankets and pillows. Meet your lover wearing a beautiful red teddy or black bra and panties under a sexy little dress and heels. Or, you can meet your lover wearing black pants and shirt with the shirt unbutton halfway down your chest. Enjoy the meal. Let the music take over your body. Before long, your clothes will be coming off.
Make your way to the shower, touching each other, lathering each other up, finding the suds to be exciting. Share passionate kisses as you move over to the bed, where the softness of the blankets and pillows will wrap you both up. See why shopping for these items now is a good idea. The black items you can pick up from Halloween and the red items you can usually find in Christmas holiday décor.
Go Team
You could pick a costume of a football player and cheerleader. Pick your favorite team’s colors. Now, it might be difficult to find the right colors, let alone the right team. So, if you have team jerseys, you can wear them. For the male look, wear the jersey with a pair of jeans and for the female look, you can wear the jersey alone. If it is a little big, you can tie it at the waist with a twist and a hair tie. You could also pair it with a short skirt, matched to the color of the team.
Have takeout. It really could be as easy as of hotdogs and pretzels with your favorite beverages.
Play some crowd cheering sounds in the background. Set up your living room or family room for play. One or either, or both, can perform a strip tease act for the other. Take turns. Then you can make love on the couch as if you are in the bleachers.
The possibilities are endless. It just takes your imagination and you can to have a fun playtime with your partner. One thing that should be mentioned is that you can spoil yourself and have fun with you. You can have party for one. Whatever your heart desires. The idea is to have fun. Make a special moment.