If you have a penis, are you really sure what your condom size is? Do you really know if your condom size is small, medium, large–or donkey dick? Condoms are like women’s pantyhose; you could be stuck in between sizes which could either be took tight or too loose. Whether or not a condom feels comfortable is all about the proper fit.
Glyde Condoms, a company that offers sustainable, vegan latex condoms with no latex smell, says “Wearing the right condom size is the key to more sensation, better performance, and efficacy. If too large condoms are prone to slip. When too tight, they’re likely to break.”
Their solution is a $3.99 3-condom “sampler” pack that features either the ULTRA Standard size (Medium) & SLIMFIT (Snugger Fit) — for the guy with the medium to smallish wang, or the ULTRA (Medium) and the MAXI (Large)– for the man with more of a medium-large bazooka in his pants.
The company also offers flavored dental damns that look kinda fun, in case you or anyone you know wants to give or receive vaginal or anal licking without the worries, while smelling like wildberries.