We all thought people looked better after a few drinks, but now a new survey proves it’s true! SLO Down Wines commissioned a dating survey of “drinking and dating” asking “extremely personal and invasive questions” to a group of approximately 325 men and 325 women. The company’s “Sexual Chocolate” wine began in the garage and blew up across the country, so they figured who would know better about dating and drinking than the peeps drinking their sexy brew.
Key findings include the fact that 46.2% men and 41.8% women find their dates to be the most attractive after 3 drinks. And 60% of everyone said drinking puts them in the mood for sexy time.
They also asked “Have you ever experimented with any kind of sexual activity that you’d consider out of your norm, after a few drinks?” 81.9% of women said “No” and 18.1% said “Yes.” 78% of men said ‘No” and 21.5% said “Yes”. Just make sure you talk and agree about any weird or new stuff you’re gonna do beforehand, before whipping out anything you haven’t whipped out before.
Sexual Chocolate, a California Syrah/Malbec combines “ripe red cherry, dark berry and an array of exotic spices. It combines flavors of blackberry, cherry cola, plum, dark chocolate and a leathery richness. It retails for $24.99.
In the end, consuming three drinks makes everyone else seem more attractive, “except, well yourself”, they say. We say stop at three drinks, because by the time you get to your fourth, your personality does not become any more attractive. Drink responsibly-ish.