Friday, September 13, 2024

Who You Date vs Who You Marry

Have you guys seen the show on Netflix called Sex Life? I binge watched it! A suburban Mother’s attempts to settle for a life of stability and comfort after years of wild passionate craziness. Can you relate? 

You’re wild, you’re passionate, you have wild kinky fun and do shit you don’t want your mother to know about. But then you get to a certain part of your life and you feel the need to get it out of your system and settle down with a nice girl. The girl from the church book club wasn’t appealing last year why do we suddenly think that is who we should settle down with? 

This societal norm could be contributing to our high divorce rates. If you are passionate, sexual, wild and crazy. Why do you think it’s just a phase? What is wrong with incorporating that passionate fun into your life? Why do we feel we cannot have love, family and stability without eliminating the kinky passion we once lived for?

In my years as a Love Coach I have encountered numerous men who were unable to settle down, slept with multiple women in a week, and avoided commitment like the plague. Yet they got to a point in which they felt it was time to settle down and then instead of choosing a female similar to the ones they were attracted to they seek out a completely different type. The good girl. The girl their mom wants them to marry. Two years later they are cheating and unhappy.

I understand the logic. Insanity is someone who dates the same type of person over and over again expecting different results. Someone who is good for fun might not be good for a long-term relationship. But to go in the complete opposite direction of what excites you is a recipe for disaster. There is a middle ground!  Yes, you can have it all. 

Most of us want the comfort and safety of a long term relationship while still wanting to hold onto the excitement of our youth. Trying new things together, leaving your comfort zone, and communicating your desires and fears can help relationships maintain their passion. 

One of my favorite suggestions for couples is to write a list of things you’d like to try together. Perhaps it is a sexual list, perhaps it isn’t. Try to come up with at least 10 activities each and have them approved by your partner. You can’t decide to have a threesome or go skydiving with an unwilling participant. Write each one on a piece of paper, fold them up and put them in a jar. Once every other week close your eyes and take one from the jar. Routine can be comforting but it can also lead to boredom. We humans have a need for certainty but we also have a need for uncertainty.

My six week course, The Art of Pick Up, is now available with personalized guidance at Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you

Erika Jordan is a world renowned Love Expert and NLP practitioner 

Benefits of Kissing

The Kissing Cure


I’m Erika Jordan certified life coach and NLP practitioner. An Oxford University study found that kissing helps us to find and keep the right partner. Yeah kissing is fun. But also kissing might be something we do for answers and to improve our relationship! According to research, kissing allows us to subconsciously assess a potential partner by picking up on “biological compatibility cues.” Kissing was found to be useful for finding a person you want a relationship with long-term. Couples who make it a point to kiss a lot were also found to have higher levels of oxytocin. And had higher levels of relationship satisfaction than couples who don’t kiss a lot. When couples have higher levels of oxytocin between them, they were also found to finish each other’s sentences and touch more. In short, they were very in sync.


That amazing connection you experience in the beginning doesn’t last. This passionate love eventually transitions to the second phase of love, which is attachment love. As you get to know each other better, You lose that “untamed love feeling” because your body shifts from releasing dopamine, adrenaline, and serotonin to vasopressin and oxytocin. “These are believed to play roles in bonding parent to child through breastfeeding, cuddling and kissing. They’re so essential to bonding and creating a lasting relationship that when you suppress vasopressin in animal experiments, parents will abandon their young.” Research has also found that oxytocin helps men in particular stay monogamous. So even with all the options out there, these bonding hormones make it so you stay faithful to just one person. So yeah.. the shift from exciting new love to tried and true is less exciting but necessary to keep you together. 


Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence, and get them to want you!!!! Come find me at My six week course, Playmate Pickup is available with personalized guidance at Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

Champagne Bath What Are You Waiting For

Today I am gonna blow your mind! You know how things that taste good or feel good are usually bad for you? Like Twinkies and bacon.. WELL!!!! Have you tried a champagne bath? Champagne contains resveratrol, a potent antioxidant that can act as a shield against damage and provides serious anti-aging benefits. Champagne can be used as a toner to help promote clear skin. The polyphenols found in champagne help reduce inflammation and skin redness, while the tartaric acid evens out tone. Mind blown.

This sounds cool and all but what does this have to do with relationships or sex?! A few weeks ago I was shooting a custom video in which I had to pour 2 bottles of champagne on myself. The bubbles felt like a light electricity on my skin. Insanely arousing.. so I immediately wondered why I had never incorporated this into my sex life and I dug in!

Of course if we filled an actual bathtub with a sugary champagne, although decadent, we could end up with a yeast infection or a UTI. Most of the champagne baths you see online are made to look like champagne with a foam on the surface and water underneath. Although you can find spas and hotels that offer champagne baths. I recommend taking a shower afterwards. Back to bubbles of electricity on my skin. The sensation of the bubbles dancing on my skin was truly magical. I highly recommend you incorporate this trick into your sex life to keep things sexy!

For more of that tingling sensation listen to Erika Jordan with How To Get A Woman To Touch You.

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

Erika Jordan

Certified Love Coach, NLP Practitioner

Types Of Kissers Which One Are You?

Kissing plays a very important role in attraction and having amazing sex. So, what kind of kisser are you?

Before we move on to our kissing tips for guys, let’s take a look at the type of kisser you do not want to be.

If any of these apply to you, I suggest an intervention for yourself.

The Serial Killer

Someone who will attempt to choke you with their tongue. Their goal is to get as much of their tongue into your mouth as possible. This might work out if a girl has an excellent gag reflex and doesn’t mind the slobber, but realistically you’re better off with the motto “less is more.”

The Vampire

An occasional nibble is a great thing, but this guy is out for blood. He bites lips, tongue, neck anything he can get in his mouth. The Vampire is a guy that has a girl dreading oral.

The Inhaler

This guy makes you feel like he can’t breathe, and you’re a bag of oxygen. You would pull away, but you can’t because the more you pull back, the harder he sucks. If you were a lollipop, this would be great, but you’re not.

Bug Eyed Kisser

A few seconds here and there taking a peek can be sexy. It shows a guy is present and focused on you but when he only closes his eyes to blink it makes you wonder what girl could look good that close and if you hit him over the head will his eyes remain in that cross eyed position?

Cotton Mouth

Too much tongue can be a bad thing, but this guy makes you wonder if he has one. An occasional flicker of the tongue keeps things lubricated.

The Ground Hog

Starts out with the Cotton Mouth when all of a sudden his tongue leaps out of his mouth into yours! Before you can reciprocate or react in any way, it’s gone leaving you to wonder if it happened at all.

The Loud Kisser

MUAH, slurp, ugh! It’s hard to get lost in the moment when each kiss comes with an almost cartoon-like sound effect.

Part-Time Kisser

These kisses are fine… It’s not the technique that makes this a negative it’s the lack of consistency. His ADHD goes into overdrive as he switches up the style and pressure every few seconds.

Mr. Perfect Kisser

Your knees buckle every time. He can take away your bad days and make your good days even better. Every once in a while you encounter a kiss that makes you believe in fairy tales. This type of kiss is guaranteed to lead to great sex!


Now, you reeled her in, and it’s time for your first kiss!

These are some kissing tips to help you become a great kisser.

Step 1 – Preparation

Brush your teeth and tongue 2-3 times a day.

Don’t forget to floss and use mouth wash.

Try to avoid foods that cause bad breath like onions and garlic.

If all else fails, chew some parsley or mint leaves if you’re in a bind.

You can also counter bad smells with things like green tea, minty gum, carrots, mushrooms and lemons, or take some mustard and swish it around your mouth before swallowing.

Step  2 – Be Patient

Start out slow and with purpose.

Begin with a closed mouth kiss.

Next, slowly open your lips until you can feel their lip in between yours.

Step 3 – Escalate Properly

Don’t rush.

Trace her lips lightly with your tongue.

Throw in a lip nibble and gently suck her tongue when she puts it into yours. Feel her out.

Think of it as a dance and let her take the lead.

Soon you’ll be able to pick up on the rhythm, her kissing style and adjust accordingly to compliment it.

If you think your skills are up to snuff then it may be time to turn it up a notch. Check out Erika Jordan with The Ultimate Sex Game

Erika Jordan

Love Coach, NLP Practitioner

For more advice from Erika Jordan in a interactive format her six week course The Art Of Pickup is available at


Best Sex Toys For Long Distance Relationships

I’m Erika Jordan certified love and health coach and NLP practitioner.  Some of you might be in a long distance relationship. And some of you might be self isolating and your lover  happens to be 3 miles away so it kind of feels like you are in a long-distance relationship. Whatever the case maybe I’ve got you covered with my top three most mind blowing sex toys for those of you in long-distance relationships or basically anyone because these toys are awesome.

Lovense is a long distance sex toy manufacturer. I call them that because all of their toys connect to an app, meaning that either you or your partner can control the sex toy from thousands of miles away. This means you can make your partner have an orgasm while she struggles through a zoom meeting or while walking the dog. Incorporate a bit of sexy talk maybe some imagery and you’ll be loving life with all the possibilities that come with app controlled sex toys!

Top 3 most mind blowing sex toys for those of you in long-distance relationships!

•1 The Hush is a vibrating butt plug. I really like this one because it has a stronger vibration than the majority of other butt plugs currently on the market.

•2 Lovense also has a masturbation sleeve which is controlled by your partner! The Max 2 has vibrations and constrictions so it’ll feel like your partners giving you a hand job from anywhere in the world!

•3 The Moxie is a wearable clitoral vibrator by We-Vibe. Much like the Lovense toys this little piece of heaven can be controlled from anywhere with the We-connect app. The Moxie is designed to be worn discreetly underneath your clothing and stays in place with a magnetic clip. Providing powerful but quiet vibrations so it can be worn out and about, to the grocery store, to Target, the post office, restaurants or anywhere else! Spice up your trip to the DMV while reigniting the spark in your relationship!

Long-distance couples need to be more aware of each other’s attempts to connect. We need love and affection no matter where we are. Just thinking “I’ll see them in 3 months” will only lead to your partner feeling neglected and possibly ending the relationship before you have a chance to show her how much you appreciate her. If you’ve scheduled a time to talk with your partner, make that call a priority, just as you would any work meeting or doctor’s appointment. If your partner has an important day, call or text to find out how it went. By weaving your partner’s needs into your day, you’ll demonstrate that you’re there for them, no matter how far apart you might be. Long distance relationships are tricky but they can work and even lead to a stronger relationship when you’re back to being in the same area code.. or home!

Stop settling for mediocre!

Since dating will need to be creative for awhile check out Erika Jordan’s advice in How Dating Will Be Forever Changed By Covid-19

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Virtual Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

I Paid For This Date

Erika Jordan Podcast

Erika Jordan is back with more advice in the auditory world with the latest installment of the Playmate Pickup podcast. I Paid For This Date. Take a dive into the world of matchmakers and a lot of first dates. How to deal with inflexible eating habits and binge drinking. Add in a little porn, too many cocks and cocks in socks. And yes this was all on one date, a date I paid for. Erika Jordan made the mistakes so you don’t have to. If you can avoid these mistakes then Erika Jordan can help you with 4 Ways To Get To the Second Date.

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Virtual Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

Erika Jordan’s “Advice For Men” Increase Your Load

Most men would be happy with a bigger dick. But their size obsession doesn’t end there. According to a recent study men who are unsatisfied with the volume of their ejaculate experience high levels of relationship distress. They also suffer from fear of failure, sexual dissatisfaction and anxiety regarding their sexual performance. Thanks a bunch to unfettered access to limitless pornography now guys went bigger loads. Is it possible to, well, cum more? World renowned love coach Erika Jordan gives you the scoop! With Erika Jordan’s “Advice For Men” Increase You Load the answer is at hand. Since sex is best when it is a shared experience don’t forget your partners needs. Erika Jordan is also a help here with Advice For Men 3 Steps To Orgasm.

For more advice from Erika Jordan in a interactive format her six week course The Art Of Pickup is available at

Swingers Podcast – Swinging with Carol and David

Playmate Pickup Podcast

Many of you are curious about the swinging life and want to know what it entails and if it’s for you. SO, Erika Jordan brought on Carol and David, the king and queen of swinging!

There are certain terms you should become familiar with right away. Phrases like “hard swap” essentially denote couples who are open to having full-on sexual relations with another couple. Or, a “unicorn” refers to a woman who attends swingers events alone – yes, this isn’t just for couples. Other terms to know are “soft swap,” which is basically the opposite of what a hard swap is and that everything is on the table except for sex. And, last but not least, the phrase is “the lifestyle” refers to the – you guessed it – the swinger lifestyle.

For life on the funny side check out Erika Jordan and Tenere Williams in The Girlfriend Experience Zoom Style. For the very creative this may work for swinging also.

Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence, and get them to want you!!!! Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Virtual Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

Erika Jordan Certified Love Coach, NLP Practitioner

How To Get A Woman To Touch You

Human touch produces oxytocin, the bonding chemical in our brains that increases attraction and leads to intimacy. So how do you get to that first step? In this video, I give advice on how to get a woman to touch you, whether it’s a kiss on the cheek or feeling the fabric of your sweater. It’s not as hard as you think if you just use a few simple tricks and tips, but the rewards are definitely worth it because she’ll find herself more attracted to you, and let’s face it, more likely to touch you again! And definitely more likely to go on a second date.

Check out my other Advice for Men videos on this site, or on the Sexpert Media YouTube channel where I talk about everything from how to get a better erection to how to get a second date. You’re sure to find something you didn’t know about what women think and how we act. It’s my pleasure to share these secrets with you.

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Virtual Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!

Erika Jordan’s ‘Advice For Men’ – Get Her Off Her Phone & Into Bed

I’m a licensed Loveologist and health coach and I’ve got some great advice for men on how to get a woman OFF THE PHONE and into bed.

We’re all distracted by our phones, but what is she looking at? Can you engage with her? Or better yet, can you create a no-phone day for some lusty romance instead? Let me know in the comments below how it works for you, because your sex life suffers when you can’t get her off the screen!

Come find me at My six week course, The Art Of PickUp is available with personalized guidance at Virtual Acquire the skills to approach women with confidence and get them to want you!