A new study reveals what men and women and find most attractive about each other. The study was conducted by Dr. Felix, an online UK pharmacy that dispenses drugs and at-home STI tests — a great idea for online daters who wonder if their mystery date gave them Chlamydia. The study was conducted with Americans, ranging widely from 18-65.
The study asked “Have you ever wondered what makes you attractive to the opposite sex? While personality is obviously a huge factor, our survey looked at the top physical features that make us sexy. These physical preferences can change over age, location and even salary, so you can really see where your own body and your own preferences fit in.”
They study is hetero focused, but it would also be interesting to see what same-sex couples find attractive in each other. The “male response” on “most attractive feature” in a female was “face” with 46%. This was followed by “ass” with 18%. “Hair” came in third with 11%, legs was fourth with 9% and “boobs” came in a surprising fifth with 8%, so get your hair done ladies instead of your boobs.
When women were asked what they thought made a man attractive 24% said “chest”. This was followed by “hair” at 22%. As women got older, hair became more important to them and more of a turn-on, since hair becomes less as a man gets older. (Sorry for this; Mother nature sucks.)
The third most attractive body part for women was “arms” at 19%, followed by “ass” at 13%, and “V-cut” at 9% (the lower abdomen, which is the hardest part to keep in shape). My own favorite part of a man, “eyes” came in at a mere 3% and “face” at 2%. So in this study is a sex tip for guys; you can have a not so great face, but if you have a nice chest, good hair, muscular arms, a nice ass, and a hot V-cut you will get laid.
Women of higher income preferred abs and chest, while lower income women liked arms, presumably to go with those cut-off T-shirts and trucker hats. According to the study “Lower income men “preferred the ass.”
“Standing bravely alone,” they noted “Vermont is the only state with a male preference for boobs above all else – we may never know why.”
Geographically, women in California and Washington liked a nice chest while ladies in Florida were hoping for some hair. One state, Louisiana, found a man’s legs to be the state of hotness, y’all.