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Home Sex Advice Dating Advice New Dating Study: How Your Work Life Affects Your Sex Life

New Dating Study: How Your Work Life Affects Your Sex Life

Since most people are obsessed with work and sex, the online dating site and app Zoosk conducted a survey of 5,000 daters called “How Your Work Life Affects Your Love Life.” The company also collected information from over 8,800 profiles and 163,054 messages, using key words to understand how people’s jobs affect their dating lives. (At least Zoosk did not read your “what kind of sex I want to do with you” private messages in the process.) This revealing dating/work survey found out some interesting stuff.

As far as checking their dating apps at work, a whopping 73% of both men and women admitted to doing so at work. No wonder nobody is doing any work at work. Another 20% of men and women surveyed said that they sext at work. This explains why when you call a customer service number, a message comes on saying “A customer service representative is currently assisting other customers.”

Zoosk scanned 417,607 profiles and found that the following job-related buzzwords increased inbound message rates. Apparently, designers, entrepreneurs, and architects are considered hot and cooks and engineers are not. I’m actually surprised that doctors and lawyers didn’t rate higher, as Indian matchmaking sites like list doctors as the most desirable profesh, according to the ladies.

               Buzzword              Increased Response Rate
Designer 78%
Entrepreneur 59%
Architect 42%
Coach 41%
Teacher 40%
Ambitious 38%
Accountant 30%
Doctor 28%
Student 26%
Firefighter 25%
HR 25%
Nurse 24%
Officer 24%
Chemist 23%
Musician 22%
Manager 21%
Artist 11%
PR 11%
Chef 10%
Professional 9%
Cook 6%
Engineer 4%


The problem with the word “entrepreneur” is that it could also mean “drug dealer” or “unemployed.”

The worst news for working women was that while 74% of women prefer men who make more money than they do, with 14% saying they prefer someone who makes “significantly more money”, only 27% of men preferred dating someone who made more money than they did. Three words: get over it. Your testicles are not going to fall off because she makes more money than you do.
To most hetero women (and gay men) I know, a man’s profession is important, and a good one is more of a turn-on. According to the study, 71% of women thought a good job or career made their date more attractive. But only 49% of men thought that a good job or profession made a date more attractive. Apparently, the better looking you are, the less of a good job you need to have.

And finally, here are the work uniforms that people found most sexy. Sex tip: Buy one of these costumes from Halloween store and wear it in the bedroom.

Women Men
Nurse Firefighter
Flight Attendant Lawyer
Librarian Doctor
Lawyer Police Officer
Personal Trainer Soldier




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Anka Radakovich is a legendary Sex Columnist, Certified Sexologist, Sex Educator, Screenwriter, and Author of the book THE WILD GIRLS CLUB, PART 2, Tales from New York to Hollywood. THE WILD GIRLS CLUB, Part 2 is her third book. Her first two books, The Wild Girls Club; Tales from below the Belt, and Sexplorations; Journeys to the Erogenous Frontier were both published by Crown/Random House. She was the Sex Columnist for DETAILS Magazine for 9 years and currently writes columns for and Los Angeles Magazine. Her writing has appeared in dozens of magazines including Marie Claire, Women’s Health, Men’s Health, Harper’s Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Men's Journal, Seventeen, Glamour, and Maxim. She has appeared on numerous television shows including 8 appearances with Conan O’Brien. She was a Jeopardy question under the category “Men’s Mags.” As a Sex Educator and Sexologist, she is a college lecturer at Universities throughout the country who offers her unique brand of sex education. Follow her on Twitter @ankarad.


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