Aftercare – Aftercare is the emotional and physical care administered when a scene is over. Proper aftercare may be used to prevent a drop.
Consent – Agreeing to certain acts in a BDSM scene or relationship and maintaining it throughout the interactions. Practitioners believe that consent is what separates BDSM from assault.
Contract – An arrangement that outlines the rules and structures of a BDSM relationship. It written or oral.
Dungeon – A location where BDSM play takes place (usually in a person’s home or at a club).
Fetish – An obsession with a specific experience, body part, or object. Usually required for a “release” to take place.
Kink – A relationship with an experience, body part, or object that arouses you but is not necessary to reach release.
Safe, Sane, and Consensual (SSC) – This phrase describes what the BDSM community considers ethical behavior. Kink enthusiasts stress that activities must always be safe, sane, and consensual.