Ralph Greco

Ralph Greco, Jr. is a professional writer of blogs, columns, reviews, interviews, fiction, poetry, songs, SEO copy and one-acts plays for both mainstream and adult clients. Ralph is also an ASCAP licensed songwriter and recording artist and with fellow writer, M. Christian, teaches classes across the US at kink conventions. Ralph & Chris also host a podcast about writing smut and the naughty world around us., called "Licking Non- Vanilla." You can visit him at https://www.rgreco-and-mchristian-presents.com/
Join Ralph every two weeks here on Sexpert.com for his new column "How to Become a Sex Writer".
Shooting Up The Old Mental Enema To Relieve You Of Writer’s Block
This is one of the areas of writing (and there are a few, believe me) where I am not very learned. Simply, I never suffer from the all-too-common, writer's block, so I have never personally needed to combat it.
Sure, I suffer from...
“Write for yourself, edit for your audience.”
“Write for yourself, edit for your audience.”
I read the above quote this week, and thought, ‘Yeah, I guess some of this is true.’ The first part is something I have always wholeheartedly believed: Write for yourself. The second half, though: edit for your audience,...
Sex Writing: Where to Publish Your Smut
I went to see Kurt Vonnegut lecture sometime in the mid-’80s. Being one of my all-time favorite authors, you can bet how rabid I was to be among the sold-out crowd in that college auditorium on a weekday night, digesting every word...
Sex Writing: Mix It Up Different Genres for Unique Erotica
From squirting warm water on your sub’s bottom before spanking them or only ever frying your empanadas in canola oil, there are lots we try to make life a little more fun. Not all of what we get into works or even fits well...
Sex Writing: Social Media–The Writer’s Curse or Champion?
Admitting what I will here, I know instantly stains me as some sort of a pariah. But, I am not ‘on’ any social media platforms. I am not a Facebooker. I do not tweet or twat, Snapchat, or post to Instagram. I...
Run Silent, Run Niche
I’d venture to guess that there are subsections, off-shoots, niche areas that writers of all genres explore with various levels of success, might see financial gain from, or get mired in. I know mixing genres as I often do—marrying smut with satire, science-fiction with...
Harlan Ellison Says Writers Should Be Paid…But Not Always With Money
I just caught a documentary about Harlan Ellison on Amazon Prime. Called, "Dreams with Sharp Teeth," this is one of the best in-depth looks at this amazing writer's career, with some great interviews with him, as well as Neil Gaiman, and other writers, plus...
Sometimes You Do Get A Check, And Sometimes You Don’t Know Why
Freelance writers usually know when their payments are coming in, spend an inordinate amount of time chasing those that are supposed to come in, and worry insistently about trying to get them to come in. Although I am terrible with anything that has to...
Sex Writing: When Does The Rewriting Stop?
Although Hemingway is quoted as having said: “The only kind of writing is rewriting,” there does come a time when you need to say enough, push yourself away from the Smith-Corona and declare the thing done. Surely, very few of us (even Papa H....
Figuring What You Are Worth, and Sticking To It
In quite a few of these sex writing columns, I've either skirted past what a writer should charge for his or her time and work, tried to wax poetic while giving salient advice, or have skipped over the subject entirely. And while you can...