The Five Things That Make The Modern-Day Gentlemen’s Cabaret: As Seen In Ricks Cabaret New York

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Littered across the landscape, any of us could find a good old strip club probably within a twenty-minute ride of our homes. But a high-end gentlemen’s cabaret is a little harder to find and indeed caters to fans of a more refined kind of entertainment. One of the clubs on the high end of this scale, refined to the point where it is listed on the NASDAQ, is Rick’s Cabaret New York.

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With a few tidbits from some of Rick’s girls and an overview of this high-end scene, we quickly learn five things that make the modern-day gentlemen’s cabaret the unique place that it is.

“Any way you want to experience your experience is fine with us,” Rick dancer Vanessa says with a giggle. “From the men who sit sipping one of our nightly drink specials, just watching, to one of my regulars paying for multiple lap dances, we don’t care how you want to enjoy Rick’s. But we will make sure you enjoy your time with us.”

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Indeed, there are lots to partake of in a club like Rick’s; one could enjoy a cigar while sitting on the open-air roof deck, grab something to eat from the club’s steakhouse late-night menu…and watch the girls dance. So, #1 one on the list of what makes the modern-day gentlemen’s cabaret is…there is lots of ways a guest can enjoy their time in the club.

“At any given night, you will find over one hundred girls entertaining here,” Miranda offers. “But with so much space, the club is comfy but never crowded, ya know?” 

Point #2: A well-attended cabaret is a comfortably appointed cabaret.

“We are one block from ‘The Garden,’ right in the heart of New York City,” Natalia enthuses. 

Not every gentleman’s cabaret can boast such an iconic location, as Rick’s is indeed one block from Madison Square Garden.

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Point #3. Location.

Open late night, every night, until 4 am, which Rick’s is, makes a club of this kind so attractive to guests coming in, as much from work, as wanting to unwind for a full night of revelry and care-free entertainment.

Lastly—and again, not something every gentlemen’s cabaret will come to—is Reputation. Rick’s has undoubtedly earned its top spot in the litany of clubs of the kind. While there are certainly a bunch of high-end strip clubs wearing the monitor of gentlemen’s cabaret, not all have years of a sterling reputation under their belt.

Enjoy your search for whatever entertainment most interests you. Just know there is a wide variety of types of clubs out there where women take off their clothes, and one of them, representing the high end of the scale, is Rick’s Cabaret New York.



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