Want To Have “Mess Free” Period Sex?

Want to have sex but “Aunt Flo” is in town? (Fun fact: It’s known in Sweden as “Ligonveckan” or “ligonberry week.”)

A new disc-like cup for your hoo-ha debuts this fall that lets you have “mess free” sex during your period. It creates a soft, fleshy barrier to your cervix, temporarily blocking your menstrual blood during sexy time. According to the product’s inventors, “it is virtually undetectable” by you and your partner and allows couples to have uninterrupted period sex.” Cool. And it looks like a goth diaphragm. 

FLEX is a revolutionary device that is changing the way women think about their menstruation,” says Dr. Jan Van Dis, a gynecologist. “Unlike other feminine hygiene products, FLEX conforms to any woman’s body making it the most comfortable product on the market. It’s safe, easy to use, BPA-free, and hypoallergenic, and is not associated with TSS (Toxic Shock Syndrome.)”

The Flex discs are disposable, can be worn for up to 12 hours, and are packaged in a chic little pouch that looks like a cosmetic sample.

The product won’t be available until September but will eventually be sold in stores. In the meantime you can register at The Flex Company’s site and get a free sample.

According to a customer testimonial:

“I hate feeling self-conscious about having sex when I’m on my period. It always comes at the most inconvenient time: romantic getaways, birthdays, date nights. With FLEX, I can still be swept up by the mood of these occasions. And I’ve never had spotting or leaking.”



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