Monday, April 15, 2024

Sex Writing: Social Media–The Writer’s Curse or Champion?

Admitting what I will here, I know instantly stains me as some sort of a pariah. But, I am not ‘on’ any...

9 Places Where You Can Get Your Erotic Stories Published And...

Okay, so here are 9 Places (I didn’t want to be cliché and give you ten) Where You Can Get Your Erotic Stories Published...

Erotica Writers, Spread ‘Um: Finding Places to Publish

As an erotica writer, you might know a thing about ‘spreading;’ legs, libido, desires, play with various partners. For this column, though, I am...

Goodbye Mr. Vachss

On the heels of Anne Rice and Joan Didion dying at the tail end of the year, I learned that another of my favorite...
nom de plume

The Question Of The Non-De Plume For The Erotic Writer

We writers of smut often get a very bad rap. First of all, we scribble sex stories. Secondly, it’s often assumed we jerk or...

Sometimes You Do Get A Check, And Sometimes You Don’t Know...

Freelance writers usually know when their payments are coming in, spend an inordinate amount of time chasing those that are supposed to come in,...

Harlan Ellison Says Writers Should Be Paid…But Not Always With Money

I just caught a documentary about Harlan Ellison on Amazon Prime. Called, "Dreams with Sharp Teeth," this is one of the best in-depth looks...
Photo by Designecologist from Pexels

Meta Verse Erotica?

I am not part of the cult of social media personality; I have never been. I do not really know how Facebook, Instagram, etc.,...

“Orgasm” Authors Ask Women 9 Questions To Find Their Best Orgasm

When it comes to the female orgasm, there’s a lot of mystery, negativity, and wrong information surrounding it. You might have heard that they...

Writers Chill! A Lesson in Humility: Don’t Take Yourself Too Seriously

Here's a joke from Steven King that I'm slightly paraphrasing:  A priest, a nun, and a rabbit walk into a bar. The rabbit looks around...